
uu加速器海外版- 爬墙专用加速器

uu加速器海外版- 爬墙专用加速器

Build from source

Just write a few lines of Opa code with your favorite text editor


Compile and run your Opa application with a single command line

opa hello.opa --

Test your Opa application immediately at http://localhost:8080


uu加速器海外版- 爬墙专用加速器

uu加速器海外版- 爬墙专用加速器

Write simultaneously the frontend and backend code, in the same language, within the same module. Even better: the Opa Slicer automates the calls between client and server. No more manually written AJAX calls or value serialization!

火箭缓存加速-WP Rocket【】最新破解汉化版及安装 ...:1 天前 · 一、功能简介 在使用WP-Rocket时,大家不要被众多眼花缭乱的功能迷惑,最适合你的功能才是最好的功能,不要能选的全部都勾选使用,有些功能可能和你的主题或者插件有冲突。 1.具体详细功能 二、安装教


uu加速器海外版- 爬墙专用加速器

Opa generates and is fully compatible with standard JavaScript code.

Reuse tons of existing JavaScript libraries and frameworks, such as JQuery which is by default part of the standard library.

JavaScript on the client

uu加速器海外版- 爬墙专用加速器

Opa generates JavaScript on the server too, using Node.js and MongoDB.

Applications built with Opa can be deployed in most cloud straightforwardly and scaled up or down easily.

JavaScript on the server

uu加速器海外版- 爬墙专用加速器

Database queries are also written directly with Opa.

Opa currently supports both the SQL database PostgreSQL and NoSQL databases MongoDB and CouchDB. More databases are planned for future releases.

Opa provides many unique advanced operators and automates the database queries for maximal productivity.

Database Automation

uu加速器海外版- 爬墙专用加速器

Opa unique feature is its advanced typechecker that automatically verifies your application code, looking for bugs and inconsistencies, and crunching debugging time.

The Opa Type Checker was designed to bring static verifications to dynamic programming experience. Type checking is incredibly fast and features type inference: Application code stays lean and clean.



Modern applications use a lot of asynchronous calls. Dealing with callbacks manually can be painful, and failing to do so properly blocks the application runtime.

To make asynchronous programming easy without blocking the application, Opa-generated JavaScript code 小火箭加速.

火箭缓存加速-WP Rocket【】最新破解汉化版及安装 ...:1 天前 · 一、功能简介 在使用WP-Rocket时,大家不要被众多眼花缭乱的功能迷惑,最适合你的功能才是最好的功能,不要能选的全部都勾选使用,有些功能可能和你的主题或者插件有冲突。 1.具体详细功能 二、安装教


7. MVC Support

Opa support MVC (Model-View-Controller) programming and provides a scaffolding mechanism to get started instantly.

Just minutes away from creating a real application.

MVC Support

8. HTML5 Native Support

Opa is built for the modern web. HTML5 fragments can be inserted directly. No more messing with single and double quotes!

CSS(3) elements including selectors are also easier than ever to use.

HTML5 Native Support

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Opa is JavaScript on steroids with many syntax and feature enhancements.

Database, types, pointers, autoclose, higher-order functions, etc. The list is way too long to fit here. Find it on the reference card.

Powerful syntax

10. Power Rows

The core of Opa uses Power Rows: A powerful, statically-typed, extension of JavaScript objects.

Power Rows is one of the features that makes Opa safe and fun at the same time.


uu加速器海外版- 爬墙专用加速器

Static typing [of Opa] helps catch most bugs at compile time rather than a stack trace at run time.

Vimalkumar Jeyakumar
Vimalkumar Jeyakumar
Computer Science PhD student at Stanford University

Opa's type checking is simply amazing. [...] I think Opa will greatly change the future of web development.

Tristan Sloughter
Tristan Sloughter
Routing Infrastructure Developer, Heroku

Writing in Opa is super quick and fun! I don't think I could have written things as quickly in any other framework.

Alok Menghrajani
Alok Menghrajani
Security engineer at Facebook

“MLstate's Opa: A better way to build cloud apps.”


“Keep your eye on Opa, the new open source language that [...] may transform Web development.”


“Opa [belongs to the] 10 programming languages that could shake up IT.”


“Opa: Language of the month.”


“With Opa the developer can focus on the domain of his applications.”


“Opa is [...] extremely powerful, concurrent, dynamically distributed, and extremely secure.”


“Opa is a new open source language with design objectives we can all appreciate.”


uu加速器海外版- 爬墙专用加速器

Start your new project in Opa

  • Download Opa for your OS.
  • 加速器 to get started.
  • 火箭加速器 to get more technical information and code examples.
  • Use API to search for packages, modules and functions; to add your bookmarks and notes.
  • Opa: Up and Running

    Opa: Up and Running

    This hands-on book shows how to code in Opa.

    Get the book

Discuss it

  • Check out StackOverflow for questions and answers.

Contribute to Opa

  • Fork Opa on GitHub and contribute your own modifications.
  • Edit Opa GitHub wiki to contribute to the documentation.


  • 火箭加速器下载官网.
  • Give a talk about Opa at your local meetup or organize a hackathon.
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